Friday, June 5, 2009

Mothering Girls

Wow is all I can think of right now.  I just finished Dare to Discipline, after about 6 months of reading it here and there.  For anyone who knows me, to read a 'life helping, encouraging' book takes me a while.  For when I read it I am ready to change everything!  Make improvements on mine and my families lives.  So as you can see why I read ridiculously fictional vampire books for long periods of times, HA!  There are so many thoughts to go into this.  First and most important is that as a MOM having girls, we are the biggest and most influential person in their life.  Doesn't sound so hard, huh?  IT IS SO HARD!  To the clothes, words, books, magazines, TV shows, movies...way we treat people.  The fact that I wear a tank top under my tshirts and sleep in a 'sleep bra'.  Yep Morgan does all of that.   I have my 'workout' music, yep it's not Christian and what have  I caught Morgan and Taylor jumping rope to it w/out my permission.  So needless to say, this job is a wee bit stressful at times.  

Another book I am starting is YOUR GIRL by Vicki Courtney.  Only read one chapter thus far.  But very mind and eye opening.  Talks simply so far about media and our kids.  Maybe the mother of 18 kids and counting does have the right idea.  

Don't get me wrong, but I know our kids will eventually make their own decisions.  One of the statistics discusses by the time are kids are 7 they will be imprinted with our values.  No pressure, huh?!!   

One of the most important goals as the mom of Morgan, Taylor and Addy is to make sure that they know I have more than the 'going to church on Sunday' relationship with God.  

All for now, have to get outside before they begin fighting once again...what's the cure for that?!?! HA


1 comment:

  1. Wow - I definately feel your pain! The awesome responsibility that is laid out before us as mother's of girls is many times overwhelming. I do know that you are doinfg a fabulous job, they will be lucky if they turn out like you!
