Monday, April 27, 2009

10 year olds...

Just a quick blog, nothing serious.  Sitting here trying to stand my ground with my 10 year old.  The sassy smart mouth has arrived...hope it doesn't stay too long, I have 2 more to go through this phase with.  I honestly don't think God is 'paying me back' but yet somehow what goes around, comes around.  I was the worst smart mouth to my mother.  Face slapped, fly swatters broken.  But I deserved it!  Mine was out of anger towards her.  Morgan's I feel is just that time for me and her.  I grounded her for the night due to so much arguing, but it is so hard to stick with it.  BUT I WILL!!!  Part of the reason we are where we are is due to not sticking with it.  

So that is my evening in a nutshell.  Off to ice the 'lowfat' strawberry cupcakes with the 'non-grounded' kids!!

Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. You did good! You stood your ground and it's hard but will be worth it. I spent years battling with Courtney and she finally got it. Better now than later, trust me! Love ya!!
