Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What a week. Sick kids will do you in. The of course who gets sick from taking care of them? Mom. Ugh. Have the cough and now a super duper bad sinus headache. That is the actual medical term for it or misery. So ready to feel better. Things are becoming better in the area of my last pity party. It was a part horomonal thing. Plus for some reason when the seasons change I go into a bit of a depression. I know, spring is coming, happy flowers, sunshine, etc. One would tend to think, what the heck? But it's the change that does it to me. I think I cry every season, when school is out, holidays are over, birthday's for my girls. Probably a childhood thing. Spring is harder because of birthdays, mine and my mothers. It also reminds of not great times during childhood. And that swimsuit, shorts and tank top season is around the corner and I DO have to get this extra holiday weight off:)

Well, I started reading So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore. It's great so far. For every woman out there. Wether you think are you insecure or not. If something or someone was taken away from you, you would see where that insecurity lies. I am realizing where and who I find my security in, when in all realness we all need to find our security within our relationship with God. That is so much easier said than done. Can't wait to read more...

Well off to run errands and going to TRY hard to get a workout in today, feeling sick or not. Tried on that one pair of pants that I love and it's a no go! HA!

Praying for my girls today while they are in school. Especially Morgan, can't help but feel so in the dark about her life right now....

Peace out

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